students in NYC

May 31st, 2011

The students at the Middle school 224 Manhattan East School for Arts & Academics in New York City sent the Japanese students beautiful cards filled with heartwarming drawings and messages.


visitors of the exhibition

May 27th, 2011

These are drawings and messages created by the visitors of the exhibition. We received more than 100 pieces!
14.jpg私はいま皆さんの住んでいる日本の街を考えていますその街にいる友達、鳥たち、木々。私はこの想いを贈ります、いまの日本そしてこれから新しい未来に生きていくこと、友情に。22.jpg頑張って、笑顔でいてください。40.jpg強い日本でいてください。日本のために祈っています。45.jpgYou guys are fantastic! All we see here at the gallery is your smile! You are all having big smiles! I am here in NYC by myself, but I will smile together with you! Let’s keep moving on
so that we can smile even more! Japan will be ok!
63.jpgOn May 20th, I saw all of
your drawings. They are all very moving. Thank you.
64.jpgI am from Fukushima. People in New York and in all over the world are with you.66.jpg希望を持ち続けてください。明日は今日より明るくなります。69.jpgYou are strong, kind, brave and cheerful. You are the pride of Japan.77.jpgI was cheered by your drawings and messages! You are the hope and the future of Japan
and the world. Go for it everybody!

■Project Originator
Chief Originator Satoshi Nakagawa (CEO, Tripod Design Co.Ltd)

■Planning, Administration
Benesse Corporation “Assist Children’s Future Project”
Tripod Design Co,Ltd

■Special Thanks
Japan Airlines